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Sara Cardon

I crave happily-ever-afters. I have four kids, a dog, and a true-blue husband who laughs at my hero-crush on George Washington. We're putting down roots near Dallas, where there's plenty of wide-open sky, cattle, and sunshine.

5 things about me

1. I have an intense fear of heights. No trips to the Grand Canyon for me, thank you.

2. My first job was in a flower shop. My favorite job was helping put college courses online (back when it was brand new). I loved it because I got to "take" courses like British Government, Anthropology, and School Psychology.

3. I have a soapbox called "compassion." I've always rooted for the underdog. Supporting my son through his challenge with stuttering has been exhausting and rewarding. I have a close bond and cheer twice as loud for each success, hard-won. Hooray for caregivers and nurturers everywhere who hope, pray, and give each day. Little things add up and LOVE's impact is immeasurable.

4. Writing is therapeutic. My mind Ping-Pongs to solve problems. I prefer story problems.


5. What am I most proud of writing? A letter to our superintendent letting him know how grateful we were for our principal and the huge difference he made for our son through some difficult years.

Why I write . . .

Have you ever gotten a question that just threw you?

This was mine:


“So, tell me about yourself.”


I opened my mouth... and had nothing. My kids were little and everything I did was for others. I knew my crazy-important roles (wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend), but couldn’t think of the other stuff. The ME stuff. I was wrung out and soul-stretched.


When I made a list of things I enjoyed, I rediscovered simple joys like reading. I steered towards the upbeat and uplifting, because life can be hard and this world sometimes brings me down, so I need light and happy to balance it out.


My love for creative writing started when a series I loved had a disappointing ending. I rewrote the ending (just for me). It was hard, and not my story to tell. I reached out to authors I admired and read their works before publication, and loved every minute of it. Then my mom said, “You should write.” She gave me a notebook and a book on writing. With that in my hands and her vote of confidence, it became tangible and real.


In 2014 I got to the point when I could say, “ILOVEWRITING.” Out loud.


I'm passionate about words, writing, and stories.

- I joined writers groups (Kansas Writers Association, LDStorymakers)


- critique groups (LDS Beta Readers, DFW Writers, a historical fiction critique group)

- and began attending writing conferences and workshops 

- I devour books on writing, plus over 100 books a year


- I get excited for other authors, give feedback, and cheer them on. Writers make up a generous, supportive community (and the most fun and quirky guides).

- I’ve studied story structure for seven years. I've plotted out entire books by other authors to analyze what they've done right.


- After honing my skills on short stories, I began writing novel length works.


- I aim for solid story structure, character-driven plots, and capturing emotion. I'm a perfectionist, so sharing my work is cringe-worthy hard, but I remind myself it's more important to be real than perfect. I hope to infuse my own personal truths somewhere within the pages - making the hard choice, triumphing over a challenge, and the resonating miracle of love. 

Writing’s an endless puzzle with layers to delve into. I love having a creative and analytical outlet that allows me to branch out as me, and helps me come back to my important roles as a more whole person.

Snow Forest Road
I absolutely loved Eliza and Charles. Their story had the spunk and sweetness that I've been looking for. I loved their banter as they started falling for each other more and more. And the snow-filled scenes and holiday activities gave me all of the great Christmas vibes! Plus, the historical setting makes it even more whimsical and nostalgic. I even found myself laughing out loud at some of these characters. I'm so happy I found this book and I can't wait to reread it each Christmas!”
- Bee
Being a character-driven novel is really what makes this novel so special. I’m not normally one for the friends-to-more troupe but this novel has a certain sparkle that I couldn’t help but be enticed by. These characters feel so genuine, something that I don’t always feel in a Regency read."
- Christi
An Engaging Christmas, is both a heartwarming and a sweet Regency romance story. It is tenderly centered upon old friendships, new love, and Christmas magic. It’s weaved with such beautiful imagery and descriptions that will have have your attention. It’s also filled with dear Christmas traditions and an adorable slow-burn romance between two endearing characters, who don’t seem to realize that they are both falling for the other. I loved the themes of family, peace, healing, and love within. This is a delightful story with many swoony moments, that’s worth the delightful read!
- Shayla

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